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Insurance Investigations
in Chicago

Provides end-to-end high-level investigative services for over 30 years.

John C. Frycek

LPD, PPS, Chief Investigator

Workers compensation laws are intended to protect employees who get hurt in the workplace. Federal employees are entitled to two-thirds of their monthly salaries when out on disability, and even more if they are permanently hurt. All states have their own workers compensation laws. While these laws are vital to the stability of society, they can be corrupted. Employers must investigate individual cases to prevent fraudulent workers compensation insurance claims. In fact, workers compensation fraud costs insurance companies and the public billions of dollars every year.

Some investigators are young and inexperienced only to be driven by their profit orientated employers to perform investigative tasks with no resolve or goal orientation.

Not us...Our investigators all have a

minimum of (9) years in the field and have passion for

what they do!

Because benefits such as medical coverage are often part of the compensation people receive, many people out on disability have very little incentive to return to work. They can either stay at home, not work at all, and receive a portion of their salaries, or return to the daily grind at full pay. Some people opt for the former at the expense of their employers or the taxpayers. In most cases of insurance fraud, private investigators have no problem providing evidence that someone has been fraudulently receiving disability.

Claimant Activity Checks

Neighborhood Discreet Canvas Interviewing

Background Employment Enquiries

Workers Compensation Surveillance to Uncover Insurance Fraud


The only way workers compensation fraud can be proven is to show through surveillance that an individual can return to work and be productive. People often obtain jobs where they can earn cash and hide their income to avoid discovery. Between the guaranteed paycheck and a part-time job that pays cash, people on disability can maintain their standard of living on much less work.


Fortunately for the government or any company paying workers compensation, investigations frequently reveal the people who commit fraud concerning the severity of their injuries. Here at Special Solutions. Ltd., our Investigators have the tools and resources to catch someone in a fradulent workers compensation claim.  Our private insurance investigators can utilize surveillance techniques to show someone out of work with a bad back, refereeing basketball games, or performing strenuous work around the house. Such findings relieve employers and taxpayers of funding a healed person’s extended vacation.

We have aggressive, seasoned, and legally trained investigators who "get the job done."  

Nationwide Services 24/7 365 A Year...

  • Written and Recorded Statements

  • Subrogation

  • Compensability Analysis (AOE/COE)

  • Accident Scene Investigations

  • Wrongful Death

  • Workers Compensation

  • Examinations Under Oath (EUO)

  • Witness Location

  • Translations

  • Clinic Inspections & Remote Surveillance

  • Medical Record Retrieval

  • Video Dispositions

  • Catastrophic Storm / Disaster Duty

We love being on vendor's lists for fair businesses practices, however, once you engage us and see the results, we will be on your speed dial! 

CALL 1 (847) 803-6922 OR CONTACT US BELOW! 

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Chicago Private Investigators


Professional Investigators & Protection Specialists

1 - (847) 803-6922

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 Private Investigator | Chicago | Special Solutions, Ltd.

Special Solutions, Ltd. All Rights Reserved 2024 Illinois License # 117-00691 Detective Agency

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